| Love

A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for healing the heart and heart chakra. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. Romantic Rose Quartz attracts love. Placed by your bed, it draws love toward you or supports an existing partnership, restoring trust and harmony.

Rose Quartz is the finest emotional healer. Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation, opening your heart so that you become receptive. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your grief. Rose Quartz teaches how to love yourself and encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth. Excellent for trauma or crisis, Rose Quartz acts as a rescue remedy, providing reassurance and calm. This stone draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. Strengthening empathy and sensitivity and aiding the acceptance of necessary change, it is an excellent stone for midlife crisis. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations, the stone then reminding you of your intention. Beneficial for: inducing love, reducing tension, overcoming trauma, sexual imbalances, grief, addiction, overcoming rape, heart and circulatory system, chest, lungs, kidney, adrenals, vertigo, fertility, burns, blistering, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, senile dementia.