Jade has long been a sacred stone in the Orient, and it was included with Chinese grave goods to give vitality to the deceased. A protector against danger for children, Jade can undo physical harm. This stone is a symbol of purity, serenity, and nurturing and is a “dream stone.” Jade stabilizes the personality and integrates mind and body. This stone encourages you to become who you really are, recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey.
The name and character of Jade is associated with many cultures, all referring to its reputed medicinal property of curing calculus stones and disorders of the kidneys or bladder. Yu-Stone to the ancient Chinese, it was called “spleen-stone” by the Mesoamericans. Nephrite is from the Greek word nephros, the kidney. The Spanish named it Piedra de hijada when they conquered the New World (lapis nephrictus in Latin), meaning “Stone of the loin,” or “Stone of the flank.” In a later French translation, the term was misprinted and became “pierre le jade.”
Beneficial for: Longevity, detoxification, protection, kidneys, childbirth, fertility, adrenal glands, spleen.